10% Of Purchase Price Back After Closing


Palmer, Texas

Property Info




We just got a great deal on these 5 properties yesterday. I'm buying one and I've already sold one, so we've got 3 left.


Here's the deal. You get 4 months of rent paid ($4,800) in one lump sum within two weeks after closing. If your property manager (we've got a good one we can recommend) gets a tenant before the 4 months is up, you get to keep the entire $4,800 AND you get the new tenant's rental payment.... very sweet.


You also will get 10% of the purchase price back in cash IN ADDITION to the 4 months rent. This money will also be paid within two weeks after closing.


To qualify...


You need a fico score of 700 or better, you will need about $20k to close the deal (even though it will only cost you either 1% or 6% to buy these properties). You will also need to have enough income to qualify for these houses ... these are called "Full Doc" loans. "Stated Income" loans (you don't need income to qualify on these) are still available if you have more down payment money.


So... when all is said and done, you are getting about 14% OFF the appraised value of these homes!


There are only 3 of them, so don't wait too long.


Click on the following links to download the inspections for these houses. PICTURES are in the inspection.


NOTE: These inspections were done a month before the houses where complete. The work has been finished now and we will have a follow up inspection before closing to make sure all the issues have been dealt with.


109 Palomino


104 Meadowlark


111 Palomino


113 Palomino

Currently Available



This list is subject to change without notice at any time. Reservations for these properties is on a first come first serve basis. Reservation requires good credit (700 fico or better) and a $1,000 deposit.



Plat Map of the New Subdivision

The building lots have arrows pointing at them.




Rental Comparables For A Town Nearby

Palmer Is A Very Small Town and Does Not Have Many Comparables


Click To View PDF File One


Click To View PDF File Two


We think that these properties will rent at approximately $1,100 per month.



Palmer, Texas is a small town about

30 minutes south of central Dallas.


Additional Links Regarding

Palmer, Texas


Map Quest Map

Google Map




Home Town Locator


To Purchase One Or More Of These Homes Or Get More Information,



Joe Crump


email us

4040 E. 82nd Street

Ste. C-9-202

Indianapolis, IN 46250



Disclaimer: All the information provided on this web site is deemed to be correct and accurate, but is not guaranteed. Please do your own inspection and due diligence and consult with your attorney if you feel the need to confirm the accuracy of the details herein.


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