Joe Crump's Real Estate Business Blueprint

This is a 7 part Video Series

Please click on the link below to chose the video you would like to watch. They will make a lot more sense if you watch them in order.

  • Video #1 - Start With The End In Mind
  • Video #2 - The 3 Types Of Income Every Real Estate Business MUST Have
  • Video #3 - The 3 Stages Of Business Development For Each Income Stream
  • Video #4 - The 2 Types Of Real Estate Deals That Will Make Money
  • Video #5 - 3 Simple Methods For Creating Immediate Cash Flow
  • Video #6 - How To Build The 3 Lists You Need As A Real Estate Investor
  • Video #7 - The Best Way To Get Started

My Next Two Day Buying Event
Is Scheduled For
January 29th and 30th, 2022
It will be a virtual event on Zoom.

Hi Everyone,

If you would like to work with me personally and find out more about my Six Month Mentor Program and my next Two Day Buying Event, go to this web site:

That site will give you all the details about the program... what it costs, what it includes and how it works.

If you would like to listen to a free audio about the program (and learn some great real estate investing techniques at the same time), go to this web site:

If you would like to see more videos and read some "case studies" from folks who have studied with Joe, go to this site:

There is also an hour long audio interview with one of Joe's successful students at that site and a free download of a free ebook with over 100 pages of testimonials from success students... good stuff.

Your Friend,
Joe Crump

PS - If you would like to sign up for the Six Month Mentor Program and come to my next Buying Event, just give me a call and I'll get you going. Make sure you read the web page about the program before you call so you understand how it works. If you still have questions after you read the web page, feel free to give me a call. My direct line is 317-598-1220. Please don't call unless you are serious about this opportunity and are in a position to afford it.